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Friday, June 06, 2008

ngerjain PR

walopun terserang virus males ngenet yang gag tau kapan sembuhnya...but punya sedikit utang caz ada PR dari DwiWulan....ya wis dikerjain....
  1. What do you want for your birthday? pengen didoain semua orang, pengen dibikin surprise party & pergi liburan sendirian....
  2. Who will be your next kiss? ya suami eiyke kelak lah yawww....plus anak2 gw....
  3. When was the last time you when to the mall? kapan yakkkk....oh ya 2 minggu lalu ke plangi...
  4. Are you wearing socks right now? gak lah hay....
  5. How did you spend your summer? emangnya dijakarta ada summer?! bukannya emang panas melulu
  6. Have you been to the cinema in the last 5 days? blm....padahal dah pengen....blm nemu waktu yg pas...mo nonton Indiana Jones...
  7. What was the last thing you had to drink? NU Green tea
  8. What are you wearing right now? Kemeja coklat muda & celana coklat tua plus jilbab corak kupu2 warna orange
  9. What was your last purchase? Buku....
  10. What was you’re the last food you ate? Nasi Kapau (yummmy loh....)
  11. Who would be the person you would call if you were up in the middle of the night and couldn’t sleep? Aa dong....secara disono masih siang bolong....gag ganggu orang tidur kan???
  12. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week? Yup....cuma nitip beli sama nyokap...kemeja batik
  13. Do you have a pet? pengen sih....tapi gag boleh
  14. What made you laugh in the last 5 days? kemaren...telp2an sama Aa, trus bahas soal yg lucu2....
  15. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be? NewYork....secara Aa disono....
  16. What is the last thing you purchased online? blm pernah
  17. One thing you hate about yourself? terlalu BULET
  18. Do you miss anyone? My beloved Mama....
  19. What are your plans for the day? kerjain bisnis plan, prepare presentasi dan banyak belajar...
  20. Last person you msg’d? Mamaku...nanyain apa si Inem besok weekend libur
  21. Ever went to a camp? jamannya sekolah
  22. Are you a good student in school? ya iyalah masa ya iya dong
  23. What do you know about the (your) future? jadi Istri & ibu terbaik buat keluargaku kelak
  24. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne? Yes, Dune
  25. Where is/are your best friend/s right know? wah....ada 2 neh...2-2nya ada dijakarta. yang 1 Ibu dari 2 orang anak kembar, yang 1 lagi Triplets MoM....(pelukkkkk dulu ahhhh...) jd kangen...

bingung mo dilempar sama sapa lagi....ya wessssssss lah.....Met Weekend semuanya....


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